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Weeberie populaire
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Even in an apocalyptic nightmare like the one the Fallout serie take place in, little peaceful places can appear


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I always found the loading screen quite interesting


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Here is my little trash town


the 5 next photos are my home from outside


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Here is the entrance of my house


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And here is the main room


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There is no much things in the kitchen but that's ok


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Let show you the 2nd floor


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2nd floor (there is my Nuka-Cola machine one the left)


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Here is the alchemist table and my toys on the floor


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that is the chill zone with the Nuka machine you saw earlier


Now i'll show the small rooms that are on top of the kitchen


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This is my bedroom, where i also work on my desk


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I will show you the last room,
but you must know i never wanted life to be like that


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I know this is disappointing.
But life will be brighter in the futur, i promise


It's a cozy house, I know, maybe too much so.
But life is hard in the Wasteland so i suppose we all need a break sometime.

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